Video Tip: How a Fresh-Hopped Beer Comes Together at Single Hill

Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner explains how collaborators, farmers, and pick windows all play a role in shaping a fresh-hopped beer on any given day during harvest season in the Yakima Valley.

Video Tip: Fresh Hops, Wet Hops, and Planning How to Use Them

Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner explains the difference between fresh-hopping and wet-hopping, laying out a few different ways that breweries tend to use them on the hot side and cold side.

All Access Exclusive

Video Course: Fresh Approaches to Fresh-Hopped Beers with Single Hill

Join Single Hill cofounder and head brewer Zach Turner on an expedition to the Yakima Valley at harvest time to pick up the freshest hops, then take them back to the brewery and add them—in different forms and different ways—to beers brewed on the same day.